Posted in Brioche, Cowls/Neckwarmers, Knitting, WIPS

Fresh & New for Spring

Happy First Day of Spring to everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’m READY for Spring! And. We didn’t really have any snow to speak of this winter. For whatever reason though, this winter just seems to drag on. After the New Year, instead of feeling recharged, I just felt Blah.

See the yarn above? I dug that out of the stash to cast-on something NEW! Yes, I still have the Harvest Cardigan to finish. And. Yes, I still have the Simple Ripple Baby Blanket to finish (you know, BEFORE the baby is born sometime in April…..). But here’s the thing…..

  1. Both those projects were getting too big to be a good travel project. And.
  2. Wouldn’t the first day of Spring be a good time to start something new?

So, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m casting on this Brioche for Beginners Cowl. Thanks in part to NothingbutKnit and  JoCreates  and their lovely Brioche projects. I also have some other plans for Spring too. I’ll fill you in on those at another time. So, let me know, what plans have you got for Spring 2018?


Hey there! I'm Lori. I live in Eastern Oregon and have WA-A-A-A-A-AY too many hobbies for the limited free time I have! Knitting, Crocheting, Sewing, Quilting, Baking, Painting, Gardening.......then, I get on the internet and get lost down some rabbit hole! 😣 One of these days, I plan to get my act together, in the meantime I will just be muddling through life!

9 thoughts on “Fresh & New for Spring

  1. I’ve been hearing a lot about brioche knitting lately. Looking forward to seeing your cowl (and other WIPS). Here in the Greater Boston area, we’re due for about a foot of snow on the second day of spring, but I’m confident it’ll melt quickly. At least, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is going to be beautiful! I keep looking at the Brioche patterns and thinking how beautiful Brioche is, so you have now enabled me with a pattern lol. Now I’ll have to try to find some yarn that I think will work :). Will look forward to your progress :).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I laughed out loud when I read your comment about not having any snow this winter. We are currently looking at the fourth nor’easter of the month! I think I can say with certainty that much of NY is looking forward to spring as much, or more than you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel for you all back east. The snow has been relentless. We just haven’t been getting the snow we usually do (although they predict some starting Thursday-Saturday….). They’re already predicting drought (which usually means a BAD fire season) for us this summer.


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