Posted in FALL!, Quilting, Quilts, Sewing, Stashbuster, WIPS

WIP Wednesday – Maple Leaf Quilt

Yesterday, I shared the Maple Leaf Quilt Block. This is the Maple Leaf quilt top I’ve been working on for quite awhile now. It’s one of those projects I started that got pushed aside for whatever reason. Probably something “New and Fresh” came along and I quickly abandoned this for the new project. If you’ve followed along with the blog, you know it happens! 😉

The funny (or maybe tragic would better describe it) thing is, I really only need to sew a few more blocks together (maybe 7?) and this quilt top would be DONE!

I feel like this quilt top should be finished BEFORE fall is over (I think technically that gives me until December 21st, right?!?)!!!! I’m determined now….I WILL complete this quilt top! Anyone believe me?

Happy Quilting!




Hey there! I'm Lori. I live in Eastern Oregon and have WA-A-A-A-A-AY too many hobbies for the limited free time I have! Knitting, Crocheting, Sewing, Quilting, Baking, Painting, Gardening.......then, I get on the internet and get lost down some rabbit hole! 😣 One of these days, I plan to get my act together, in the meantime I will just be muddling through life!

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